NTC-SHR-2025-01-18-1 - Amendment to Notice of Race for VX-One
NTC-SHR-2025-01-25-1 - Amendment to Notice of Race for Minimum Crew
NTC-SHR-2025-02-13-1 - Early Entry Fee Extended
NTC-SHR-2025-02-22-1 - Reallocation of J/24 Course Area
NTC-SHR-2025-02-25-1 - Grand Prizes (updated)
NTC_SHR_2025-02-26-1 Sailing Instructions Amended
NTC_SHR_2025-02-27-1 Competitor Packs & Crew Prizes
NTC_SHR_2025-02-27-2 Change to Appendix V Bravo Course Sailing Instructions
NTC_SHR_2025-03-01-1 Super 50 Race Area
NTC_SHR_2025-03-02-1 Super 50 Race Area